McKinney-Vento Program

McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children & Youth

Title IX‐Part A McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act‐Homeless Children and Youth 

All children have the right to a free, public education regardless of economic status or housing arrangement. If any of the following living descriptions apply to you or your student(s), they may be eligible for additional services provided by the district. 

District and school staff work together to ensure a welcoming environment for students who are homeless. This program strives to facilitate academic success for these students by giving them the right to remain in one school despite their residential status and the ability to access all appropriate educational opportunities and services, according to McKinney-Vento guidelines and district standards.

District McKinney-Vento Liaison - Marissa Davis - ext 2293

Use this link to make an appointment -Schedule Appointment with Marissa Davis

McKinney-Vento Determination Form link - McKinney-Vento Determination Form

School Rights You May Not Know You Have

Jenks Public Schools McKinney-Vento Program

As a recipient of Federal Grants, Jenks Public Schools makes every effort to use the awarded federal funds properly and transparently by following state and federal laws concerning each grant.  Anyone who observes, detects, or suspects improper use of federal funds,  may report that information to the Office of the Inspector General’s hotline at 1-800-MISUSED.