2025 JPS Bond Election | Thank you, Voters!
2025 Bond Election
JPS voters approved two separate bond propositions totaling $19,600,000 by a margin of 81.4% to 18.6%. Jenks’ voters have now approved 61 of the past 62 bond issues for Jenks Public Schools. The bond dollars will be used for the following purposes:
· District-wide equipment
· District-wide facilities management equipment/repairs
· District-wide printing improvements
· District-wide safety improvements
· District-wide technology
· District-wide textbooks and media equipment
· District-wide transportation
· Performing Arts Center improvements
· Phase III expansion of Freshman Academy
· Tennis Facility improvements
· Trojan Aquatic Center improvements to HVAC/pump room mechanical systems
"Even with our long tradition of community support, we never take the passage of these bonds for granted, and we are deeply appreciative to all those who voted," stated Dr. Stacey Butterfield, Superintendent of Jenks Public Schools. “We pledge to our patrons that we will be financially responsible and transparent with the bond dollars we spend. These funds will allow us to continue to provide exceptional resources, facilities, and opportunities for students in every grade level. Our sincere thanks goes out to everyone who voted!
Passage of this bond will not increase property taxes. Click here for a detailed description of the bond items listed above and dollar amounts for each item.

Bond FAQs
Staying idle or simply maintaining the status quo is not an option at Jenks Public Schools. With student enrollment growing every year and technology advancing rapidly, Jenks Public Schools must continue to create space for students while providing them with the resources needed to become college and career ready. Bond dollars address pressing needs throughout the District, and will be distributed among all JPS school sites and grade levels. By continuously upgrading facilities, updating technology, and anticipating areas of growth, Jenks Public Schools will provide the best opportunities and the optimal learning environment for all students.
Jenks Public Schools 2025 Approved Bond Projects

Performing Arts Center
Purchase of a new performance shell - used for orchestra, band, vocal music, and other stage productions.

Trojan Aquatic Center
Next round of bond funding for improvements to HVAC and pump room mechanical systems. Additional funding will be needed to complete this project.

District Wide
Facilities management equipment, printing improvements, safety, transportation, textbooks and media equipment, and technology.

Freshman Academy
This round of bond funding will complete the final phase of new construction with a target start date of late spring/early summer 2025 and a target completion date of August 2026. This third and final phase of Freshman Academy renovation and expansion will include a new media center, science classrooms, additional classroom space, and a new north-facing entrance to the school site

Tennis Facility
Next round of bond funding for upgrades including resurfaced courts, new locker room and training space, and spectator seating. Additional funding will be needed to complete this project.